As a young man Hitler pursued the arts. Maybe in a different world Hitler would have become an artist. A second rate one no doubt. But then that takes in a lot of country. Most people in the arts are 2nd rate but that does not diminish their efforts. Or maybe he would have pursued some other avenue in the media. Fox News perhaps. Just kidding. I think. Maybe.
What was it that tipped the table for Hitler? I knew a fellow in high school who was not so different than Hitler. (I won’t mention his name. We’ll call him Paul. ) He was a serious young man. Had a way of reinterpreting events in history. There seemed to be some underlying anger inside him. Some unresolved quarrel with the world. (I have that myself). Paul was always in some political group. Mostly right wing. After collage Paul started several far right fanatical groups. And could be seen at a lot of neo-fascist meetings or demonstrations. I could never figure out Paul. He had never been disadvantaged. Was from an upper middle classed family. But there it was. Rage.
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Tags: Adolf Hitler
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